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LineQueen icons
With great icons comes even greater flexibility. The result—Linequeen. This massive collection of 1,000 colorful icons, equally segregated into 50 categories, is a successor of the bestseller Lineking, already used by thousands of startups.
While Lineking relies entirely on strokes, Linequeen adds a layer of a harmonic palette of colors, creating a more playful dimension for each symbol.
Key features
- Rich in Details. Each icon has enough details to look stunning in small, medium, and large sizes.
- Strong visual metaphors. Each icon tells a different story, a combination of commonly-recognized symbols and wicked ones.
- Ultra consistency. All icons share a common visual language, such as curve radius, perspective, mood, and colors.
- Line thickness control. The Figma and Sketch files give you full control over the stroke weight.
- Colour customization. Ability to adjust the color palette. The use of shared styles in Sketch makes this a breeze.
- Infinite scalability. This goes without saying, but all icons are optimized vectors. Try using the icons on a highway billboard.
Bundle up
If you want to own both LineQueen and LineKing, you can purchase them as one goodie at a generous discount.
- Author
- Made forFigmaSketch
- File size
- VectorYes
- AI usedNo
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